Dreams in Islam


What, then, have the dreams in this work shown�what is their significance? This is best shown in tabular form, for some selected dreams.


1 Good deeds -~ Pleasure of Allah -~ His Reward (Sustenance�River of Milk�Beautiful Wife as Pure and Holy Companion�Blessed luxury which is eternal, also symbolised by pearl necklaces, earrings).

2 Belief in Hereafter -~- Praise of Allah -~- Pleasure of Allah-~Beautiful Wife -~ Blessed Wedding.

3 Pilgrimage (Hajj) leads to great reward. The importance of praying for one�s parents and its great merit. Blessed Hereafter symbolised by worldly values�golden shoes, watch, clothes, furniture and so on.

4 Blessed Wife and Blessed Children as Gifts from Allah Almighty.

5 Good deeds -~- Castles and rivers of Paradise. Gifts in abundance.

7 Blessing of the Surah Fatiha of the Holy Quran. Desirability of asking for the good of this world and the next.

50 The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) will intercede with Allah Almighty on behalf of those who remember him in this world. One to whose eyes tears come in the way of Islam is indeed on the right path.

58 Death is inevitable and the good Muslim should prepare himself for it in advance, in the hope and faith that his or her Judgement and destiny Hereafter be favourable.

107 The effort of one who strives in the way of Islam is not wasted, even if he or she is unsuccessful.

133, 147 The grave of one who does good deeds will be a spacious and welcome home, in which the dead person will experience the Blessing of Allah Almighty. (In contrast, the grave of a wicked person is as Hell.)

136 Proclaiming Glory of Allah Almighty -~- abode in Paradise.

144, 149 Allah has Might and Power which can terrify His creatures. To be safe from His wrath, one must seek His forgiveness and only He can forgive. In other words, the only escape from Allah�s anger is His mercy.

150 In (the events of) sunrise and sunset are signs for those who believe in Allah Almighty. They illustrate a little of His Might, Power and Glory, since it is He who has given order to the universe.

151, 159, 160 To feed animals or help them in their need is righteousness.

156 Knowledge of Islam and the Hereafter is Light, whereas ignorance of the Truth and Reality is darkness.

170 Anyone who suffers from nightmares should remember the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).

172 To serve one�s parents has great reward.

174 Those who do not believe in Allah have been led astray by Satan.

The vast majority of the dreams are self-explanatory. With an acquisition of greater knowledge of the Islamic religion, the reader will be able to infer his or her own conclusions from the dreams (similar to those above).

May Allah bless the believing men and believing women and Muslim men and Muslim women.

Allahumma Ameen�Author



1. These features are meant to convey purity.

Jewellery can be owned in this world, but the jewellery seen in these religious dreams is in a class of its own�it is simply impossible to benefit from such wonders in this life. "Pearls" and "Gold" are simply labels to convey their value. Really the lustre and form of the jewellery in religious dreams is indescribable.

2. (In Paradise, there are lofty mansions)

Beneath them flow

Rivers (of delight): (such is)

The Promise of Allah:

Never doth Allah fail in

(His) promise.

(XXXIX, 20)

Say: Shall I give you

Glad tidings of things

Far better than those (of this present life)?

For the righteous are Gardens

In the nearness to their Lord

With rivers flowing beneath;

Therein is their eternal home;

With companions pure (and holy):

And the good pleasure of Allah.

(III, 15)

On the other hand, for those

Who fear their Lord,

Are Gardens, with rivers

Flowing beneath, therein

Are they to dwell (forever)� A gift from the Presence

Of Allah, and that which is

In the Presence of Allah

Is the best (bliss)

For the righteous.

(III, 198)

3. These figures in themselves are not significant. The expense signifies Allah Almighty�s generous bestowal.

4. "Nikah"�Usually an "Imam," or learned Muslim priest, conducts the marriage ceremony and recites the sermon. In this dream, however, Allah Almighty Himself bothers to conduct the sermon�perhaps signifies Allah�s pleasure with Mr. X., who may have done righteous deeds in His way.

5. "Kaajal" or mascara (not that of this world).

6. When the eyes are closed, there is darkness. This darkness vanished, and the vision came.

7. Signifies honour and status.

8. Allah Almighty is King of Kings and The Owner of Sovereignty. Whosoever does righteous deeds to please Him, Allah will raise

his or her status to that of King or Queen in the next (eternal) world.

9. Allah Almighty, obviously, cannot be seen in dreams, but a voice, not His, which represents I-us intentions, is heard.


11. Hajj.

12. Thy Lord hath decreed That ye worship none but Him,

and that ye be kind

To parents. Whether one

Or both of them attain

Old age in their life,

Say not to them a word

Of contempt, nor repel them,

But address them

In terms of Honour

And out of kindness

Lower to them the wing

Of humility, and say:

"My Lord! Bestow on them

Thy Mercy even as they

Cherished me in childhood."

(XVII, 23-24)


(When man is at

an age of full strength)

He says, "0 my Lord!

Grant me that I may be

Grateful for Thy favour

Which Thou has bestowed

Upon me, and upon both

My parents, and that I

May work righteousness

Well-pleasing to Thee,

And be gracious to me

In my seed. Truly

Have I turned to Thee

And truly do I bow

(To Thee) in Islam.

Such are they from whom

We (Allah) shall accept the best

Of their deeds and pass by

Their ill deeds: (they shall

Be) among the Companions

Of the Garden: a promise

Of truth, which was

Made to them

(In this life).

(XLVI, 15-16)

13. Children are gifts from Allah Almighty. Hence, the more the children, the greater the number of gifts.

14. Muslim females have to cover their legs, bosoms and hair. See Holy Quran and Hadith regarding MODESTY in dress.

15. If Mr. X. was fined fifteen castles, how many castles must Allah Almighty have granted to him?


Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,

Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgement,

You only do we worship, and Your help do we seek, show us the

straight way, the way of those on whom You have bestowed Your

Grace, Those whose portion is not Wrath, and who go not astray.

17. "O our Lord, give us good things in this world and give us good things in the next world, and save us from the torture of the fire."

18. Paradise.

19. Perhaps because Mr. X. had sent blessings to the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) frequently.

20. Rosary.

21. "They said: �Glory be to Thee: of Knowledge�We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: in truth It is Thou Who art Perfect in Knowledge and Wisdom."
(II, 32)

22. Paradise.

Their Lord doth give them

Glad tidings of a Mercy.

From Himself, of His good pleasure,

And of Gardens for them.

Wherein are delights

That endure:

They will dwell therein, 
forever, Verily in Allah�s Presence 
Is a reward, the greatest (of all).

(IX, 21-22)

23. Indicates informality�and what better friend than an Apostle of Allah (except Allah Almighty Himself)?


25. Perhaps rewards for procurement of Knowledge.

26. The Holy Prophet (May the 
Peace and Blessings of Allah 
and His Nearness be upon him) 

27. Allah has revealed

(from time to time)

The most beautiful Message

In the form of a Book,

Consistent with itself,

(Yet) repeating (its teaching

In various aspects):

The skins of those who

Fear their Lord tremble

Thereat; then their skins

And their hearts do soften

To the celebration of

Allah�s praises. Such is

The guidance of Allah:

(XXXIX, 23)

The Revelation of the Book (Quran) is from God, the Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.

28. Possibly the black colour denotes Mr. W.�s pessimism.

29. These were invisible in the dream too, but Mr. W. sensed that they were present.

30. See "Lofty Mansions," Quran XX)(IX, 20.

31. Verses glorifying Allah Almighty.

32. Thou wilt recognise 
In their faces
The beaming brightness of Bliss

33. Robe, as in Arab countries.

34. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He should neither oppress nor trouble him. A person who fulfills the needs of his brother Muslim, Allah will fulfill his needs. A person who saves a Muslim from calamities, Allah will save him from calamities on the Day of Judgement. A person who conceals the faults of a Muslim on the Day of Judgement, Allah will conceal his faults. (Bukhari)

35. But it is for those

Who fear their Lord

That lofty mansions,

One above another,

Have been built.

(XXXIX, 20)

36. Again, this dream conveys the "Bliss" (extreme delight) of Paradise.

37. Cannot be described�see again "Lofty Mansions" mentioned earlier.

38. See #35.

39. Allah, there is no God but He,

The Living, the Self-Subsisting Eternal,

No sleep can seize Him, nor slumber

His are all the things in heaven

and on earth.

Who is there who can intercede

In his Presence,

Except as He permitteth?

He knows what (appears to his

Creatures as before, or after or behind them),

Nor can they encompass any of

His knowledge except as

He wills:

His throne does extend over the

heavens and the earth,

And he feels no fatigue

In guiding and preserving them,
For He is the Most High,
the Supreme (In Glory).

This is the AYAT AL-KURSI
The �Verse of the Throne.�

40. O� Allah!
O� Muhammed!

41. Truly the Righteous
Will be in bliss:

On Thrones (of Dignity)
Will they command a sight
(Of all things)

(They will be) On Thrones
Encrusted (with gold
And precious stones)
(LVI, 15)

42. Such in truth are the Believers:
They have grades of dignity
With their Lord, and forgiveness,
And generous sustenance
(VIII, 4)

43. Implies that the pet had complete freedom, and was not kept as a prisoner by force, but was kept by its own consent.

44. Verses testifying to the Glory of God.

45. Traditions of the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed).

46. The fourth prayer to be read at dusk or "sunset."

47. Mr. X. urged the family to begin with BISMALLAH - IR -RAHMAN - IR - RAHEEM, "(I begin in) The Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful." (This secures great reward in the next world.)

48. Please see overlay.

49. Friday prayers�obligatory.


Faith Prayer Charity  Fasting  Pilgrimage

51. Those in Paradise will be among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Talh trees with flowers (or fruits) piled one above another�In shade long-extended, by water flowing constantly, and fruit in abundance, whose season is not limited, nor (supply) forbidden...(LVI, 28-33)

52. The lady Ayesha (may Allah Almighty be pleased with her) reported the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying:

"Select (fit) women (in respect of character) for your
seed (children), and marry your equals and give (your)
daughters) in marriage to them." (IBN MAJA)

Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) reported the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying: 

"A woman is married on account of four things; on

account of her wealth, and on account of (the nobility

of) her family, and her beauty, and on account of her

character; so attain success with the one possessing

nobility of character." (BUKHARI)

The Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be

upon him) is reported to have said:

"The best of treasures is a pious wife."

53. gold

54. See note 13.

55. And spend in charity

For the benefit of

Your own Souls:

And those saved from

The covetousness of their own

Souls, - they are the ones

That achieve prosperity

If ye loan to Allah

(Give in the way of Allah)

a beautiful loan, He

Will double it to

Your (credit), and He

Will grant you Forgiveness

(LXIV, 16-17)

And the likeness of those

Who spend their substance,

Seeking to please Allah

And to strengthen their souls,

Is as a garden, high

And fertile: heavy rain

Falls on it but makes it yield

A double increase
Of harvest, and if it receives not

Heavy rain, light moistute

Sufficeth it. Allah seeth well

Whatever ye do

(II, 265)

And whatever ye spend 
In Charity and devotion, 
Be sure Allah knows it all
(II, 270)

Those who (in charity)

Spend of their goods

By night and by day

In secret and in public,

Have their reward

With their Lord:

On them shall be no fear,

Nor shall they grieve

(II, 274)

O ye who believe!

Let not your riches

Or you children divert you

From the remembrance of Allah.

If any act thus

The loss is their own

And spend something (in charity)

Out of the substance

Which we have bestowed

On you, before death should come to

Any of you, and he should say,

�0 my Lord! Why didst

Thou not give me

Respite for a little while?

I should then have given

(Largely) in charity, and I

Should have been one

Of the doers of good�
(LXIII, 9-10)

56. Ablution performed before ritual prayer.

57. probably the verses from the Quran.

58. The call to prayer.

59. See Holy Quran and Hadith above those who fight, and are slain, in the way of Allah Almighty. See also Dream No. 52�page 60.

60. As a matter of respect, it has been decided not to name the prophet concerned.

Whoever obeys God and the Messenger,

They are with those unto whom God has

Shown favour of the prophets and saints

And the Martyrs and the righteous.

The best of company are they! 

(IV, 69)

61. "Glory be to God."

62. It must be stressed that on the Thursday of this dream, Mr. X. had trained Mr. A. to read the prayer by the virtue of which he might be granted the status of a martyr by Allah Almighty�s reckoning.

Prayer to secure status of Martyr:

O Allah! Bless me in death and what follows after death

The Holy Prophet Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed) stated that one who recites the above verses twenty-five times...may get the status of a martyr. (Islam)

63. And with fruits,
Any that they may select (LVI, 20)

64. Guard strictly

Your (habit of) prayers,

Especially the Middle Prayer (ASR),

And stand before Allah

In a devout (frame of mind) 
(II, 238)

Men who celebrate

The praises of Allah

Standing, sitting,

And lying down on their sides

(III, 191)

And celebrate the praises 
Of thy Lord the while 
Thou standest forth,

And for part of the night

Also praise thou him,� And at the retreat

of the stars

(LII, 48-49)

65. The ninth month in the Muslim year�the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet Peace be upon Him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed), and the month of fasting.

66. Festival to celebrate the end of the month of fasting.

67. Traditional greeting exchanged on the occasion of the Festival of Eid.

68. These names have not been revealed in this study.

69. See note No. 68.

70. Call to prayer.

71. Ablution.

O ye who believe!

When ye prepare

For prayer, wash

Your faces, and your hands,

(And arms) to the elbows;

Rub your heads (with water);

And (wash) your feet

To the ankles

(V, 6)

O ye who believe!
Approach not prayers

(in a state)

Of ceremonial impurity

Until after washing

Your whole body....

(IV, 43)

72. The person who proclaims the Adhan.

73. "Adhan" is the call to Salaat, from the minaret of a Mosque.

74. To every people did We

Appoint rites (of sacrifice)

That they might celebrate

The name of Allah over

The sustenance He gave them

From animals (fit for food).

But your God is One God:

Submit then your wills to Him

(In Islam) and give thou

The good news to those

Who humble themselves

To those whose hearts,

When Allah is mentioned,

Are filled with fear,

Who show patient perseverance

Over their afflictions, keep up

Regular prayer, and spend

(In charity) out of what

We have bestowed upon them

The sacrificial camels

We have made for you

As among the Symbols from

Allah: in them (is much)

Good for you: then pronounce

The name of Allah over them

As they line up (for sacrifice):

When they are down

On their sides (after slaughter),
Eat yet thereof, and feed

Such as (beg not but)

Live in contentment,

And such as beg

With due humility: thus have

We made animals subject

To you, that ye

May be grateful.

It is not their meat

Nor their blood, that reaches

Allah: it is your piety

That reaches Him: He

Has thus made them subject

To you, that ye may glorify

Allah for His guidance to you

And proclaim the Good News

To all who do right

(XXII, 34-37)

75. And say, 0 My Lord
Increase me in knowledge
(II, 114)

76. This number represents "Bismallah Hir-Rahmaii-Nir-Rahim"� "(I begin in) The name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful."

77. The late afternoon prayer�the third, and middle one, of the five prayers.

78. This means, "I seek 
forgiveness of Allah; 
surely Allah is oft
Forgiving, Merciful."

When those come to thee

Who believe in our Signs,

Say: "Peace be on you:

Your Lord has inscribed

For Himself (the rule

of) Mercy: verily,

If any of you did evil

In ignorance, and thereafter
Repented and amended

(His conduct), Lo! He is

Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"

(VI, 54)

He (Allah) is the One that accepts

Repentance from His Servants

And forgives sins;

And He knows all

That ye do
(XLII, 25)

79. Kalimahs are Declarations of Faith.

First Declaration of faith

There is no god (worthy of worship) but Allah, Muhammed

(Peace be upon him) is the Prophet of Allah.

Second The Code of Evidence

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is the One and has no partner. I also bear witness that Muhammed (Peace be upon him) is His Servant and His Prophet.

Third The Code of Exaltation

Allah is free from all defects. All the praises belong to Allah. Allah is the Great. There is no power and no might except with Allah; He is the Supreme and the Great.

Fourth The Code of Unity of Allah
There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is the One and has no partner. Sovereignty belongs to Him, and He deserves all the praise. It is He Who gives life and causes death. He lives for ever and never shall He die. He possess Greatness and Respect. In His hand is all the good. He has the Power to do all things.

Fifth The Code of Apology
O, Allah! You are my Lord. There is none worthy of worship except You. You created me and I am Your servant. And I shall abide by Your Promise and Your Covenant to (the best of) my strength. I seek Your Refuge from the sins I have committed. I acknowledge Your Favour which You bestowed on me and I admit my sins. Forgive me indeed. None can forgive sins but You.

Sixth The Code of Refutation of Disbelief
O, Allah! I seek Your Refuge from associating any partner to You knowingly and I seek Your forgiveness from doing so unknowingly. I repent for such a thing. I refrain from disbelief, associating any partner to You, lies, backbiting, heresay, tale-bearing, shameful deeds, baseless accusations and all kinds of sins. I embrace Islam and declare that there is none worthy of worship except You and that Muhammed is Your Messenger.

80. Allah�s messenger (Peace be upon him) used to say the following prayer when he finished his meals: "All praise is for the Lord who gave us to eat and to drink, and made us Muslims." (Tirmidhi, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah)

81. The Holy Prophet Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed), has said, "Man Zara Kabrijabat Lahoo Shafaa�Itay"�Whoever (of my followers) visits my tomb, it is binding for me to plead for (Mercy and Forgiveness) on his (or her) behalf (on the Day ofJudgement).

82. Remembrance of Allah Almighty. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "People will not sit, remembering Allah, without the angels surrounding them, mercy covering them, peace descending on them." (Muslim)

83. Mr. A.R. had been close friend of Mr. X. He had died at the age of

24. To Mr. X., A.R. had been a very religious person�when he called at A.R.�s house to meet him, he would be frequently made to wait until A.R. had finished his recitation of the Holy Quran. When Mr. X. went to a Mosque for Salaat, he might se Mr. A.R. already there, performing ablution. Two people, excluding Mr. A., had seen Mr. A.R. in their dreams previously�one had seen him very happy, wearing a splendid Crown of Honour. Another had received a message from A.R.�"Tell my mother not to worry (about my death), as I have reached a very splendid place (in the next world)."

84. Round about them will (serve) Youths of perpetual (freshness), With goblets, (shining) beakers, And cups (filled) out of clear-flowing fountains
(LVI, 17-18)

85. Meaning "Bishmallah-Hir-Rahman-Nir-Rahim"�I begin in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

86. Praise be to Allah (since he has not afflicted me with any injury or sickness).

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "If, when God grants a grace to one of his servants, (a person) says �Alhamdolillah,�

God most High says, �Behold my servant, to whom I gave an immeasurable gift, has given me a jniceless retuin for it.�" (Ibn Abbas)

87. A farewell statement�may God keep you safe, happy and so on.

88. And God will raise up in rank 
Those of you who believe
And have been given knowledge
(LXIII, 11)

89. Indicates humility before Allah Almighty.

90. In other words, this was a heroic deed in preventing the noble Quran from falling on the floor.

91. Allah�s Messenger (Peace be upon him) said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honour his guest."
(Agreed-upon tradition)

92. And complete
The Hajj or �Umra
In the service of Allah
(II, 196)

Celebrate the praises of Allah
During the Appointed Days (of Pilgrimage),

Then fear Allah, and know

That ye will surely

Be gathered unto Him

(II, 203)

93. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "When two Muslims shake hands with each other, no sin remains between them which is not pardoned."

94. Festival to commemorate the sacrifice of the Prophet Abraham (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).

95. Remembrance of Allah Almighty.

An example of Remembrance of Allah

"My God, of your Mercy forgive my sins. 0 My Lord, though my sinful deeds make me feel YourJustice, yet the greatness of Your Compassion makes me hope in You. 0 Lord, I have not merited Paradise by my deeds, and I cannot endure the pains of Hell, so I entrust myself simply to Your grace. If on the Day of Judgement I am asked, "What have you brought unto Me?" I shall reply, "What can one straight from prison (i.e. this world�s life), with unkempt hair and tattered garment, burdened with worldly cares and full of shame, bring unto You? Wash me from my sins, give unto me the robe of the redeemed, and in your Mercy, cast me not away from Your Presence." (Padwick)



Allahumma Sali Alaa Muhammadin�Wa Anzil Hul Muqa�Dul

Mukarra�Ba Indaka Yaumal Qeeyaamati


O Allah! Shower Thy Blessings upon Muhammed, Peace be upon him, and select for Him a nearest place to Thee and most exalted position on the Day of Judgement.


Hadrat Fuwaifa bin Thabit al-Ansari (may Allah Almighty be

pleased with him) narrated that he heard the Holy Prophet

Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed) say:

"My Intercession becomes incumbent upon the person who reads the (above prayer)."

[Hence, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has promised to plead with Allah Almighty, on the Day of Judgement, on behalf of the man or woman who reads it.]

97. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said that seven types of persons will be under the shade of Allah�s Mercy on the Day of Judgement, when there will be no other shade:

1) A just ruler.

2) The youth who worshipped in his prime.

3) The person who yearned for Mosque.

4) Those people who assemble to remember Allah for only this sake and for His love, and disperse after His remembrance.

5) The person whom a beautiful and noble woman attracted but he refused, saying that he feared Allah.

6) The person who spends in charity in such a manner that it remains a secret, and no one knows.

7) The person who remembered Allah in loneliness and tears trickled out of his eyes (he wept).



O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammed (Peace be upon him) and his children whenever he is remembered by those who remember him. And shower blessings on Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his family whenever he is not remembered by the negligent, and grant him peace in abundance.


Abdullah bin Abdul Hakam (May Allah be pleased with him) saw Imam Shafai (May Allah be pleased with him) in a dream after the latter�s death. The Imam revealed that, because of his continuous reading of the above prayer, Allah Almighty had exalted his position to the highest grade in Paradise, and had forgiven him.

99. This was displayed on a wall for adornment.

100. Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported the Holy Prophet (May Peace be upon him) as saying: "When one of you is invited to a marriage feast, he should go to it." (Bukhari)

101. In this dream, all the prophets who were seen had their faces covered, and only their eyes were visible.

102. See note No. 96.

103. Remember we made the House (Ka�ba) a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and we covenanted with Abraham and Ismail, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).
(II, 125)

104. I.e. sincerely, and without hypocrisy.

105. See Note 103. Consult Holy Quran for other verses relating to Holy Ka�ba.

106. "Is there any Reward for Good�other than Good?"
(LV, 50)

107. "Every soul shall have a taste of death."
(III, 185)

"Wherever ye are, Death will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high."
(IV, 78)

108. Abdullah bu Harith binJazaa reports: "I never saw anyone smiling more than the messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)."

109. Consult the Holy Quran and Hadith for information regarding merits of Charity and see pages 118 and 119 below.

110. Almost certainly verses from the Holy Quran.

111. "And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for (such) a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil), those who spend (of that which Allah has given them) in ease and adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind. Allah loves the good." (The Holy Quran)

112. And on thrones (of dignity) Raised high.
(LVI, 34)

113. "And (they shall have) fruits, - all they desire. Eat ye and drink yeto your heart�s content: for that ye worked (Righteousness)."
LXXVII, 42-43)

114. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "Fight against those who associate with Allah, with your money, with your lives and with your tongues." (Musnad Ahmad)

"He who died and did not fight (for the cause of Allah), nor did he long for it, died with the semblance of hypocrisy." (Muslim)

115. "Think not of those Who are

Slain in Allah�s way as dead.

Nay, they live, finding their


In the Presence

Of their Lord. They

Rejoice in the bounty provided

By Allah...They glory in the

Fact that on them is no fear,

Nor have they (cause to)


(III, 169, 170)

116. See verse from Holy Quran at the end of Dream No. 52. (Note also how different people seem to dream about the same theme. Also, Mr. A. and Mr. R. did not know about one another�s dreams.)

117. The other students sent Mr. X. to Coventry because they thought that he had preferred worldly pleasures to religious duty.

118. See note to Dream No. 3.

119. Golden box may represent Islamic knowledge, or righteous deeds which have pleased Allah Almighty, the Majestic Sovereign.

120. A valued possession in this world; a tool to convey Utopia in the next, in this dream.

121. Mostly, a negative colour in dreams


123. The first of the 30 sections of the Holy Quran.

124. A Prayer to be Read after Completing a Reading of the Quran

O� Allah! Make the Quran a mercy for inc and set it as a model for me, a light, a guidance and a mercy.

O� Allah! Cause me to recollect what I have forgotten of it, teach me what I am ignorant of about it, grant me the blessing of reciting it day and night, and make it a thing that pleads for me (on the Day of Judgement), 0 Lord of mankind.

O� Allah! Set aright for me my religion which is protection from evil; set aright for me my world in which I pass out my life; set aright for me my future abode to which I must some day go; make life for mc a thing which brings increase of every good, and death which brings release from every ill.

O� Allah! Make the latter part of my life its best one, my finest deeds those I do toward my end, and my best day the one on which I shall meet with Thee.

O� Allah! I beg of You that I may make always the best of requests, the best of supplications, enjoy the best of redemption, work the best works, receive the best reward, live the best life, and have the best death. Keep me steadfast in my faith. Make heavy my balance (at the weighing of good and evil deeds), keep true my belief. Exalt my station (in the Hereafter). Accept my prayers. Forgive my sins. I ask Thee for one of the high places in Paradise.

O� Allah! I beg of you to exalt people�s remembrance of me, to remove my heavy burden, to set aright my affair, to purify my heart, to keep my private parts well under control, to light up my heart, and to forgive my misdemeanors.

O� Allah! May the final outcome of all our affairs be good. Grant us protection from disgrace in this life and from punishment in the next.

O� Allah! Portion out for us such fear of Thee as will keep us from disobeying Thee, such submissiveness to Thee as will cause us to reach Thy Paradise, and such assurance as will remove from us all grieving at the vicissitudes of this world. Grant us enjoyment in our hearing and our seeing. Grant us provision for our daily lives, and an heir to inherit from us. Grant us vengeance on those who have wronged us, and to see victory over our enemies. Let us meet with no mishap in our religion. Let not this world become our greatest care or the limit of our knowledge. Place not in authority over us those who will show no mercy to us.

O� Allah! I beg of thee all of Thy mercy that is needful, all of Thy forgiveness which may be sought, security from all evil, rich provision of all piety, the enjoyment of Paradise and the escape from Hell.

O� Allah! Permit us not to fall into any sin without forgiving us, nor to be beset by any care without easing it for us, nor to contract any obligation without enabling us to fulfill it, nor to become involved in any hatters of this worldly life or the next without seeing us through, O� Thou most merciful of those who show mercy.

O� Allah, our Lord! Cause good to come upon us in this world, and good in the next, and preserve us from the punishment of the fire, and may peace be upon our Holy Prophet and the companions.

Allahumma ameen. [O Our Lord! Accept our Prayer.]

125. One of the presents which Mr. A. gave to his son was so special that it was unknown.

126. Indicates humility before the Lord of the Worlds.

127. Note re-occurrence of bridge and streams in Dream No. 117.

128. "To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills (and plans). He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will (and Plan), or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves barren whom He will: For He is Full of knowledge and Power"
(XLII, 49,50)

129. "Hijab"�The dress of modesty as required by Islam.

130. Note similarity with "butter" and "honey." The milk is also probably Islamic knowledge, and the distribution might signify its sharing and teaching.

131. May or may not be a reference to the actual place in worldly life.

132. This suggests that they had not finished drinking�they preferred worship, and its reward, to worldly enjoyment.

133. The seeking and transmission of knowledge secures great reward from Allah Almighty. See Holy Quran and the Hadith.

The Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes out to seek knowledge is in Allah�s path till he returns." (Tirmidhi/Darimi)

134. Good deeds. Helping others is required of a Muslim in Islam.

135. Consult proof from Holy Quran and Hadith regarding merit of not becoming angry. (Anger is from the Devil.)

136. Consult proof from Holy Quran and Hadith regarding virtues of ablution.

137. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "When a person visits a sick patient, it is as though he continues to pluck the heavenly fruit (as if he is treading on the path to I-leaven). When he goes and sits there, lie is enveloped in the (blessing) of Allah Almighty. If it is evening, 70,000 angels say blessings on him till morning. And if it is the morning, 70,000 angels say blessings till evening." (Al Al-Murtaza/Ibn Majah)

138.Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek.
(I, 5)

139. "And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive (with sincerity and under discipline)."
(XXII, 78)

140. The aristocratic form of the Holy Quran corresponds to its aristocratic content.

141. The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another:

they enjoin what is just, forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His apostle. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise."
(IX, 71)

142. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "Whoever visits the sick, an angel in the Heaven calls out: �May you reap happenings in the Hereafter, may your walking in this world and the next be blessed, and may you enjoy a high rank in Heaven." (Ibn Majah)

143. How can ye reject the faith in Allah? - seeing that ye were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die, and He will again bring you to life: and again to Him will ye return.
(II, 28)

144. The Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer. So wherever he finds it, he has a better right to it." (Tirmnidhi)

145. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "Nothing but Heaven is the reward of an approved pilgrimage." (Muslim)

146. "Far removed from it (Hell Fire) will be the righteous (person) who giveth his wealth that he may grow (in goodness), and none hath with him any favour for reward, except as seeking (to fulfill) the purpose of his Lord Most High. He verily will be content."

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "Charity is free in Heaven. Therefore, whoever shows charity will hold a branch of this tree, which will not desert him until it took him up to Heaven. Thrift is a tree in Hell. Therefore, whoever is thrifty will hold a branch of this tree, and will not be spared until it admits him to Hell." (Baihagi)


148. Mr. X. was later successful in donating the same work to this University Library.

149. Selfishness is unlawful in Islam. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "None of you is a true believer until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."

150. See note on sacrifice on page 123.

151. When the messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) passed by some graves in Medina, he turned his face towards them and said: "Peace be upon you, you inhabitants of the graves. Allah forgive us and you. You have gone before us and we are coming after." (Tirmnidhi)

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "If anyone visits the graves of his parents, or one of them, evemy Friday, he will be granted forgiveness, and it will be recorded as filial piety." (Baihaqi)

152. Probably signifying that the grave would be a happy and luxurious abode.

153. "Room" and "unclothed" suggest that, according to Allah Almighty, through Mr. X.�s good deed, K. became lawful to him. "Lawful": "with Allah�s permission."

154. K. now became a totally different person�she became refined, pretty and elegant.

155. See note 153.

156. K. was thankful to receive the information.

157. Regarding good character and conduct, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said the following: "The dearest and nearest to me among you on the resurrection day will be the best of you in morals. The best amongst the believers in faith are the best among them in character. Certainly the best of you are those who have excellent morals." (Transmission: Baihaqi/Abu daud and Darimi/agreed upon Hadith)

158. In the dream a voice said, "G.H. has been married to a Hur."

159. These are so beautiful that if the whole world was in darkness, and a Hur threw one of her hairs the whole world would be illuminated by the hair. (Islamic tradition) Or if a Hur spat into this world, the whole world would become fragrant. (Islamic tradition). Hence, the purity of the Hur is part of Paradise and its reward.

And we have created (their Companions)

of special creation,

And made them virgin-pure (and undefiled),� Beloved (by nature),

Equal in age, -

(LVI, 35-37)

160. "Let there arise out of you a band of people, inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: they are the ones to attain felicity."
(III, 104)

161. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: The Holy Quran was sent down in seven modes of reading, so recite according to what comes most easily." (Bukhari)

162. "Whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth declares the glory of Allah; and I-Ic is the Almighty, Wise." (The Holy Quran)

163. The Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever accepts Islam attains salvation." (Muslim)

164. In Islam, worldly riches are approved (through good not evil) if lawfully acquired and, in this case, they were acquired in the way of the Sovereign Lord.

165.See note No. 164.

166. This illustrates that mankind must make supplication to the Lord of the Worlds, when struck by adversity.

167. "Prayer is accepted from those who are humble to My Greatness, do not harm my Creations, do not sleep intent on disobeying Me, and are merciful to the needy and the wayfarer, the widow, and the misfortunate." The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has reported these words of Allah Almighty. (Al-Buzzar)

168. Pop stars and celebrities frequently became wealthy and famous, to amazing degrees. However, no worldly benefit can even compete against the Honour and Reward that Almighty God will confer on those who do good.

169. This was not a bitter complaint�the pupil was so anxious and curious about this disparity that he decided to phone and to discuss (he was so eager).

170. This dream symbolises zeal for Islamic Knowledge.

This dream began with the pupil�s telephone call�that Mr. X. had educated the pupil about �Islamic Spiritualism� was implied to have occurred before.

"Nor should the Believers all go forth together: if a contingent from every expedition remained behind, they could devote themselves to studies in religion, and admonish the people when they return to them,�that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil)."
(IX, 22)

171. A "Burkha" is a gown which covers a lady from head to foot.

172. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "He who did not make intention of observing the fast, before dawn, did not, in fact, fast at all." (Musnad Ahmad)

173. The Holy Prophet (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has stated that: "Action depends on intention." Hence if Mr. X. had eaten unknowingly, his repentance, if Allah so willed, would be acceptable. This is suggested by the word "remember."

174. "When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive Mercy. And do thou (0 reader!) bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be thou not of those who are unheedful."
(VII, 204-5)

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "Truly hearts (of Muslims) get rusted as iron is rusted when touched by water." People asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is the process of polishing them?" He (Peace be upon him) replied: "By recalling (to one�s mind) the idea of death constantly and by reciting the Holy Quran."
(Shuab Al-Iman)

175. In worldly life Mr. X. has not, and never had, a pupil of this name.

176. This suggests that the souls of these two persons were intimate by way of knowledge of dreams in the Islamic religion.

177. Mr. E. is not religious enough in worldly life; otherwise he would have been privileged enough to see the noble face of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). Nevertheless, this is an excellent dream.

178. This was a pupil in worldly life.

179. More a complicated plan.

180. A few years earlier, this had frequently been the case.

181. Mr. X. had done this deed in worldly life a few weeks earlier.

182. Compare this to the laughter of the bride in Dream No. 51.

183. Mr. X. had really donated his Islamic books to this library in worldly life, earlier than this dream�s occurrence.

184. It was more a tomb, like that of saints.

Mr. X. gained the impression that his grave was a happy and comfortable and noble home.

185. "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know."
(XXX, 22)

186. Later on that day, Mr. X. went to this very house to meet the friend, who was not at home. He met his friend�s brothers instead, and trained them both in Islam for one or two hours. The above dream was a portent of this transmission of Islamic education.

187. Mr. X. and his younger brother frequently remembered Allah Almighty, and discussed Islam. Mr. X., older by eight years, tried to educate his younger brother by conversing about such topics as "Death," "Life in the Grave," "Good and Evil," "Reward," "Paradise and Hell," "The worldly life," "Dreams," and the notion of Allah Almighty as "Creator of everything that does exist." Hence, the fruits in the dream represent spiritual fruits: Knowledge, righteousness, piety, and so on.

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "One night it seemed to me in a dream that I was in the house of Uqba B. Rafi and was brought some of the fresh dates of Ibn Tab. I interpreted this as meaning that to us is granted eminence in this world, a blessed Hereafter in the next, and that our religion has been good." (Muslim)

188. Mr. X. could not recall, when he awoke, whether he actually did make this point in the dream, although in the dream this prayer and the heavenly Palace were mentioned.

189. This is the relevant prayer:

Pronunciation: Subhaanal kayi midayi-mi; Subhaanal Hayyul Kayoomi; Subhaanal hayallazee laa yammootu; Subhaanalla-hil azeemi wa be-hamdihee; Subbuhun - quddusun - rabbul malayi-kati war-ruh-hi; Subhaanal alliyil a�laa; Subhaana-hoo wa ta�laa.

Translation: Glorified my Lord (Allah Almighty), the subsisting, the permanent. Glorified my Lord, the living, the lasting. Glorified my Lord who never dies. Glorified my Lord, the great, the praised, the glorious, the Holy, the Lord of Angels and the Spirit. Glorified my Lord, the exalted, the glorified, the Allah, the Almighty.

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said that Whoever recites this with sincere faith once in a day will see his or her house (Palace�the word used in the Islamic tradition is "House," but a "House" in Paradise is a "Heavenly Palace") in Paradise before his or her death, or it will be revealed to someone else. (Kinz al-Amaal, Vol. 1, p.2O5, No. 3898)
(Dar Ul-Ehsan)

190. The implication in the dream was that the people who left the gathering were not able to leave during Mr. X.�s speech, even if they had wanted to, since they were so much attracted to the knowledge it contained, perhaps sensing that such knowledge would benefit their souls.

191. This had arrived with the pot.

192. The following are Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him):

1. He (Allah Almighty) is entitled to be feared and is entitled to grant pardon (LXXIV, 56)...Allah has said: "I am entitled to be feared~ and to him who fears me I am entitled to grant pardon."

2. Allah has said: "My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, do not despair of Allah�s mercy, for Allah pardons all sins (XKK!X, 53), and he does not care."

3. O Allah! Put me among those who, when they do good, are glad and, when they do evil, ask pardon.

4. Blessed is he who finds a great amount of asking for pardon in his record (the record of deeds which the recording angels have compiled).


1. Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abud Dawud, Ibn Majah.

2. Ahmad, Tirmnidhi.

3. Ibn Majah, Baihaqi.

4. lbn Majah, Nasai.

193. The Messenger of Allah (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "Richness is the richness of the self (self-contentment)." (Agreed-upon tradition)


195. People are God�s family. Therefore, the dearest to God is the person who is kind to God�s family. (Baihaqi)

Surely God does not consider your figures and wealth. He rather values your hearts and acts. (Muslim)

The above Hadith of the Holy Prophet (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) may be positively applied to Mr. R.A.

(Not "family" in the biological sense because Allah "does not give birth, nor was He born" (The Holy Quran). More in that Allah has breathed His spirit into everyone who does exist, and the purpose of man�s creation is to be a manifestation of His attributes.)

196. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "Wear white clothes because they are very clean and attractive." (Ahmad) "Surely the best dress in which you may meet Allah Almighty in your graves and Mosques is white (dress)." (Ibn Majah)

197. The Holy Prophet (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "Paradise is beneath the feet of one�s mother." (In other words, a person who honours his or her mother shall be forgiven.) (Ahmad)
"Whenever any obedient son (daughter) looks at his parents with a kind look, Allah writes for him (the credit equal to) one accepted Pilgrimage (Hajj) for every look." (Baihaqi)
"Allah Almighty may pardon all sins as He pleases except disobedience to parents. He rather hastens (to punish) its doer in his life before death." (Baihaqi)

198. "And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring God to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins, - and who can forgive sins except God? - and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done, for such people the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens with rivers flowing underneath, -an eternal dwelling: how excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)!
(III, 135,36)

Allah�s Messenger (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has said:

1. I swear by Allah that I ask Allah�s pardon and turn to Him in repentence more than seventy times a day.

2. Allah has said: "If anyone knows that I have the power to forgive sins, I will pardon him and not care, so long as he associates nothing with me."

3. When a servant acknowledges his sin and repents, Allah forgives him (her).

4. Satan said: "By Thy Might, My Lord, I shall continue to lead thy servants astray as long as their spirits are in their bodies. The Lord, praise be to Him, replied: "By my might, glory and exalted station, I shall continue to pardon them as long as they ask my forgiveness."

199. What! Are ye the more difficult to create or the Heaven (above)? (Allah) hath constructed it: on high hath He raised its canopy and He hath given it order and perfection�its night doth He endow with darkness, and its splendour doth He bring out (with light).
(LXXIX, 27-29)

Your guardian Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o�er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon and the stars, (all) governed by laws under his command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!
(VII, 54)

And a sign for them is the night: we withdraw therefrom the day, and behold, they are plunged in darkness....
(XXXVI, 29-37)

200. Whoso doth right, it is for his (own) soul, and whoso doth wrong, it is against it.
(XLV, 15)

201. �I�here are 463 such letters as of 23rd July 1988.

202. Unto Allah belongeth the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is therein, and He is able to do all things.
(V, 20)

203. Allah is the protecting friend of those who believe. He bringeth them out of darkness, into the light.
(II, 257)

204. The Holy Messenger (Peace be upon him) has said: "When a person dies, all (his) deeds are severed except three (actions), the rewards of which reach him even after death�( 1) Charity, whose benefits are everlasting; (2) Knowledge from which people gain benefit; (3) Pious children who pray for him." (Muslim)

205. Abu Huraira (R.A.) reported Allah�s Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: "A prostitute saw a dog moving around a well on a hot day, hanging out is tongue because of thirst. She drew water for it.. .and she was pardoned (by Allah most high, for this act)."

206. Mr. X. mentioned the dream to a friend and revealed his surprise that a primary school had sent the letter in the dream, and not a University. He was told that a primary school is more important, because it shapes one�s character when he or she is young.

207. Please see Dream No. 154.

208. Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow therewith, produce of various colours: then it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then He makes it dry up and crumble away. Truly, in this, is a message of remembrance to men of understanding. (The Holy Quran)

"A sign for them is the Earth that is dead, we do give it life, and produce grain therefrom, of which ye do eat."
(XXXVI, 33)

209. In each case, Mrs. N.S. dreamt that she had finished performing the Salaat, and had raised her hands up to pray, when the leaves fell onto her prayer mat.

210. The Robe as a Reward in Paradise�Details From Hadith

"When Allah gathers the creatures, Allah will command the Angel Israfil to go to the Angel Ridwan, the Angel in charge of the Garden. O Ridwan! Adorn the Garden and arrange  the robes of honour for Muhammed, Peace be upon him, and his community."

"It is related in Tradition that on each of the people of the Garden (Paradise) are seventy robes. Each robe changes colour every hour to seventy different colours...."

"The Prophet, (Peace be upon him), said: �The robes of the Garden gleam like the, sun.�"

"...A Houri (wears) seventy robes. The marrow of her legs is seen through the fineness of her robes...."

"...The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: �In the Garden is a tree. From its top come out robes of honou

"Whenever her husband comes to her (the Houri), he finds her virgin. She has seventy robes on. Each robe has a colour which is lighter than a hair is on her body."

"(On the Day Of Rising from the graves) Then the Angels of Mercy will bring robes of honour, and the Angels of Punishment will bring chains and shackles and garments of tar." (Imam Al-Qadi)

211. Before the envelope arrived, in the dream, Mr. X. was shown some beautiful scenery of China, including a blue lake, and China itself seemed to Mr. X. to be a very pleasant and happy place. When the envelope came, Mr. X. felt very happy�lie felt a 'joyous� feeling, one of celebration and hope.

212. See also Dream No.�s 50, 79, 112 and 145 above.

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