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MAY 2003
The dreams which follow are only a few of the many political dreams which I have experienced.  Readers of this paper may gain more undertanding of the political issues raised by some of these dreams by looking at newspaper articles of relevant periods of these dreams.
beigball.gifDREAM NO 1             beigball.gifTUESDAY 23 APRIL 2003
I dreamt that the Muslims of India received unexpected support from unexpected sources within India.  Then I saw a group of Hindu women.  One woman, in particular, the leader, was particularly pernicious.  Finally, I was given the Message that these women have been expelled!
The year 2002 saw severe communal strife between Hindus and Muslims, the latter suffering horrendous atrocities in the state of Gujarat.  This dream foretold that the Muslim minority position in India would be strengthened.  Some weeks after this dream occurred A. J. Kalam, 'the father of India's nucleur missile programme, became President.  Though no more than a figure-head, his appointment showed the pressure on India's Hindu-fascist government from within [e.g. the Congress Party] and without [e.g. from the British government] not to encourage communal massacres.
beigball.gifDREAM NO 2    beigball.gifTHURSDAY 31 JANUARY 2002
The atmosphere in this dream was 'action-packed'.  I saw a globe from its highest point -the Arctic- and a destination was projected far towards the south-east - to Malaysia!  I was told in the dream that the Malaysians are very sincere and devout Muslims: they are true fighters for the cause of Islam!
Whenever Muslims fall into some trouble anywhere in the world [Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guatanamo Bay, Iraq], the Malaysian government and public always show concern and give their maximum support. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 3                beigball.gifSUNDAY 5 APRIL 1998
I saw the moon revolving around the Earth.  On the occasions of the first quarter, half, third quarter, full stages of the moon's visibility, a Hindu girl had partially covered the surface of the moon with the flag of India.  It was not the usual, national flag of India but a flag depicting a sharp symbol, pointed, similar to a weapon. [1]  At this point [!] in the dream, I gained the impression that the moon itself represented Kashmir.  In the dream, I personally had the power to remove this pointed emblem and actually replace it with a flag depicting an Islamic symbol: the crescent and star of Pakistan. [2]  I had helped the Kashmiri people! [3]
[1]  This weapon-like object probably represents the oppression and atrocities which have been endured by the Kashmiris at the hands of the Hindus.
[2]  This action probably represents my wilingness to help Kashmir.  See my efforts in the 'Kashmir' section of the 'POLITICAL DOCUMENTS' link on this Site.
[3]  When I woke up from this dream, I could not believe what I had dreamt: that Allah Most High had given me the [metaphorical] capability to actually reach the moon, get rid of oppressive, Hindu symbols and then to adorn the moon with the symbols of Islam!                   
beigball.gifDREAM NO 4          beigball.gifSATURDAY 18 APRIL 1992
I saw a Palestinian prisoner-of-war in a Jewish military jail.  He seemed to be a very religious Muslim.  He had a well-built, heroic figure and a flowing, handsome beard.  He also seemed to be a very powerful and capable person.  The Jews had not only subjected him to solitary confinement, but had also chained him around his wrists [not tightly, but the chains were long].  Despite these chains, the prisoner looked dignified and seemed to represent a holy cause.  In nearby cells, other Palestinians were being held.  The scene changed to Visiting Time.  A Palestinian wife and her daughter [1] came to see one of the prisoners.  But the capable Palestinian, who looked like a leader,  had no visitors, nor did any of the other prisoners! [2] and [3] 
[1]  This little girl appeared to be my own sister!  The Jewish soldiers were treating the mother and daughter roughly.  In fact, they were dealing with the little girl [who could have been no more than eight or nine years old] as if she were as much of a threat to their security as an adult man!
[2]  This was a very emotional dream, and I felt terribly aggrieved for all Palestinians imprisoned by Jewish forces when I woke up.   These prisoners are, mostly, not even afforded basic rights such as receiving the visits of loved ones, with the result that there is a terrible emotional pining for all concerned.  Any relatives who are allowed are manhandled and humiliated.
[3]  The Palestinian cause is a just cause.  The Palestinians are not terrorists: they are fighters on behalf of their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, who are refugees in their own land!  Justice must be done!  The world must acknowledge that injustice has been done to the Palestinians.  Britain and America must have more compassion for the Palestinians and must help to help them. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 5                          beigball.gifFEBRUARY 1993 
I dreamt of the intense sufering of Bosnian Muslims at the hands of the Serbs. [1]  I personally experienced some of the excruciating pain of a Bosnian whose legs had been cut off at the knees by the Serbs.  [2] 
 [1]  After the dream, I felt more vividly how the Bosnian Muslims were being maimed and tortured on a large scale in Bosnia-Herzogovina. My eelings were of grief and helplessness and I wished that I could somehow stop their suffering myself. 
[2]  Obviously, I experienced this dream during the terrible civil war in the former Yugoslavia.  To be fair, I  did have other dreams which made it clear to me that this civil war was more complex than made out by the Media in Britain; the Serbs did acquire their territorial gains as a result of war, not nassacre. These dreams emphasised that Bosnian Muslims, and the Croats, were also guilty of atrocities, so this was a three-sided, 'free-for-all' civil war.  However, because the Croats were, for the most part, allied to the Roman Catholic Croats against the Eastern Orthodox Serbs, this civil war was not a simple Muslim versus non-Muslim conflict.  The Serbs managed to perpetrate the most offences simply because of their numerical superiority. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 6                  beigball.gifTHURSDAY 8 JANUARY 1998 [THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADHAN]
I dreamt that two evil Serbs who had committed atrocities against the Bosnian Muslims in the Yugoslavian civil war had been caught by the Musim Army and were in custody. [1]  These prisoners were wearing civilian clothing, now that the war was over and looked very dangerous.  To celebrate their capture, a friend and I bought ladoos [traditional Asian sweetmeets eaten especially on celebratory occasions] and a paper bag-full of large, lime-green, juicy champagne grapes! [2]
[1] War Crimes trials of Serbs [and Croats] were eventually held in Holland by NATO. 
[2]  I was advised in the dream to use my education and knowledge to write influential letters to the Embassies of powerful countries such as Britain, France and America so as to benefit the Bosnian Muslims. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 7                          beigball.gifMARCH 1993 [THE LAST JUMAH OF THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADHAN]]
In my dream, I saw a translucent, glittering, resplendent block of Arabic lettering in the form of the First Kalimah: 
[This graphic courtesy of Kalimah:  http://www.islam101.com/art/kalimah.html [and this Site itself acquired this and related graphics from various other sites].
Transliteration:   LA ILAHA ILLALA
This holy phrase was violently broken in half by the ruthless Indian-Hindu security forces, and each half of this sacred block fell to the ground.  This incident took place in Kashmir.
beigball.gifDREAM N0 8                                             beigball.gifc. 1994
I dreamt that I was in South Africa and Nelson Mandela, the President, asked me to make a speech to celebrate the ending of apartheid.  President Mandela recognised that my documents were both political and valuable, so I was a worthy person to bid good riddance to the evil and injustice of apartheid. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 9                           beigball.gif4 0CTOBER 1997
A lady was going to announce something on a microphone.  I gave her a hint.  I said, 'The Presi.......'  Then she announced, 'The President of America - your work!'  I then noticed the exclusive fittings for a luxurious house on sale on some kind of high platform.  In the same dream, I saw the innumerable towns and villages of England, each marked as a star on a map.  These stars were positioned around central England and then I had a message that each town has its own council, or something similar.  I also saw lofty mountains which a person would need to conquer to get from one village to another.
beigball.gifDREAM NO 10                       beigball.gifc. OCTOBER 1997
The President of America was driving a car slowly and he turned into Campbell Road in Manchester.  The British Media were very interested in all the former lats he had lived in before becoming famous.  Reporters visited addresses and talked bout them, as in an oral biography of the President.
beigball.gifCONTEXT TO DREAMS NOS 9/ 10
At the time of the above two dreams,  I had just finished writing out most of the manuscript 'PERSONAL ISLAMIC DREAMS' and was writing to publishers in the hope of getting my work published 'officially' [rather than sel-published].  I also required someone to type out the Research.  I was unsure of the quality of my work, but the above two dreams were very encouraging because they are giving news of my future fame [I've use some of the dreams in 'PERSONAL ISLAMIC DREAMS' for this very paper].
beigball.gifDREAM NO 11          beigball.gifTUESDAY 1 MAY 2002
I dreamt that Israel was starving 1,300,000 Palestinians.  I saw a few corpses in fields, corpses which had the physical look of the faces of people traditionally accustomed to starve from famine-ravaged countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan.  Other, barely living, Palestinians were frail, shrivelled by starvation, close to death.  But the spirit of these persecuted Palestinians was not broken.  They had the knowledge that their severe predicament was a test from God and that they would be granted Eternal Joy for their pains in this worldly life. 
At the time of this dream, Jewish forces had invaded Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank, such as Hebron and Jenin, and their destructive, indiscriminate attacks entailed great suffering for Palestinian civilians.  Jewish tanks and soldiers had also laid seige to the Church of Nativity, entrapping 250 Palestinian freedom-fighter refugees, and Church clerics, inside for several weeks. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 12           beigball.gifTHURSDAY 2 MAY 2002
I dreamt that Greece is a single, minor Island.  I saw gigantic, ocean waves [some of these waves were much larger than the Island itself!] in close proximity to the Island.  It almost seemed likely that one such wave would swallow up the Island.
A family of Britons, innocently 'plane-spotting' at a Greek airport, had been arrested on accusations of espionage.  Moreover, each year, many thousands of foreign women holiday-makers, including British women. are raped by natives while on holiday to Greece. This dream implies that the Greeks are a culpable and unfair peoples who may become the target of Divine Wrath in the future.
beigball.gifDREAM NO 13             beigball.gif21 FEBRUARY 2003
I saw several, very tall, modern buildings like skyscrapers, standing besides one another.  Then I was given the message that certain Islamic countries have become the vassels of America.
That very day, I noticed an article in The Times entitled, 'United States must dig deep to pay the price of loyalty'; this article alleged that Muslim countries such as Turkey [given $26bn in direct aid and loans], Jordan [$1bn] and Egypt [$1bn] were happy to receive 'blood money' from America in return for support for the American [and British] invasion of Iraq and the consequent loss of Iraqi civilian lives!
beigball.gifDREAM NO 14        beigball.gifc. SUNDAY 2 MARCH 2003
This was a very sad dream about Iraq.  It divulged that the new regime in Iraq, which will be set up after Gulf War II, was totally subservient to America: [to such an extent that] the Iraqi people had no free will and there was a tragic feeling of helplessness.
The Newsnight [BBC2] programme of 26 March 2003 alleged that America planned to make Iraq its colony after Gulf War II by appointing US Army personnel in key 'Administrator' positions!  After disagreement with Britain over this issue, American politicians denied any such plans and affirmed that America intended that the Iraqis themselves should run Iraq.  This dream is saying that the Iraqi leadership will naturally be as if American colonian leadership in practice.  My dream was true, as subsequent, relevant media reports suggest; the following is only one of a number of similar messages I have received on the Internet: 

"Aeisha Muhammad" [email protected]


Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 11:03:12 -0400
Subject: [weloveallah] Fw: Iraqi TV news run by Right Wing Christians!

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: Iraqi TV news run by Right Wing Christians!

This article is posted at:

This report on how the US govt's new satellite TV news station for Iraq is being run
by a right wing Christian fundamentalist media company provides another window
on the extreme fundamentalist nature of our own administration.

Grace News
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The U.S. government this week launched its Arabic language satellite TV news station for Muslim Iraq.

It is being produced in a studio -- Grace Digital Media -- controlled by fundamentalist Christians who are rabidly pro-Israel.

That's Grace as in "by the Grace of God."

Grace Digital Media is controlled by a fundamentalist Christian millionaire, Cheryl Reagan, who last year wrested control of Federal News Service, a transcription news service, from its former owner, Cortes

Randell says he met Reagan at a prayer meeting, brought her in as an investor in Federal News Service, and then she forced him out of his own company.

Grace Digital Media and Federal News Service are housed in a downtown Washington, D.C. office building, along with Grace News Network.

When you call the number for Grace News Network, you get a person answering "Grace Digital Media/Federal News Service."

According to its web site, Grace News Network is "dedicated to transmitting the evidence of God's presence in the world today."

"Grace News Network will be reporting the current secular news, along with aggressive proclamations that will 'change the news' to reflect the Kingdom of God and its purposes," GNN proclaims.

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. government agency producing the television news broadcasts for Iraq, likes to say it is the BBC of the USA.

BBG runs Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, and Radio Sawa -- Arabic language radio for the Middle East.

"Our mission is clear," BBG's Joan Mower told us. "To broadcast accurate and objective news about the United States and the world. We don't do propaganda, leafleting -- we are like the BBC in that respect."

Well, then why hook up with Grace?

BBG's Joan Mower said that Grace Digital Media is a mainstream production house used by all kinds of mainstream news organizations.

"Grace will have nothing to do with the editorial side of the news broadcast," she said. "They are renting us equipment, space, studio. The Grace personnel we use include technicians, production people but no
editorial people."

But Mower said she couldn't get us a copy of the contract between BBG and Grace Digital media. Nor could she say how Grace Digital was chosen as the production studio.

Grace News Network proclaims that it will be a "unique tool in the Lord's ministry plan for the world."

"Grace News Network provides networking links and portals to various ministries and news services that will be of benefit to every Christian believer and seeker of truth," according to the company's mission

The CEO of Grace News Network is Thorne Auchter.

The same Thorne Auchter who began the dismantling of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under Presidents Reagan and George Bush I.

Auchter did not return our calls seeking comment for this story.

While it's unclear whether Grace News Network actually produces any news, it has produced a documentary movie titled "Israel: Divine Destiny" which it showed at the National Press Club in September 2002.

The film is about "Israel's destiny and the United States' role in that destiny," according to Grace News Network.

Grace News said that it could not make a copy of the film available to us at this time, since it is now undergoing post-production editing. Nor could it provide a transcript.

The mainstream media has documented strong and growing ties between right-wing Republican Christian fundamentalists and right-wing Sharonist Israeli expansionists.

This alliance is personified in Ralph Reed's Stand Up for Israel, a group formed to "mobilize Christians and other people of faith to support the State of Israel."

President Bush has very strong ties to fundamentalist Christians, most notably Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham.

Last week, Franklin Graham delivered a Good Friday message at the Pentagon, despite an uproar over his previous slander of Islam as "a very evil and wicked religion."

Don Wagner, a professor of religion and director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at North Park University, an evangelical Christian college in Chicago, has written extensively about what he calls Christian Zionism, whose leaders he identifies as, among others, Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer, and Franklin Graham.

"Christian Zionists have historically pointed to Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you. And the one who curses you, I will curse," Dr. Wagner said. "They have interpreted this to mean that individuals and nations who support the state of Israel will be blessed by God. It has come to mean political, economic, and moral support, often uncritically rendered to the state of Israel."

Grace News Network seems to fit the mold.

Joan Mower says that BBG is currently producing and transmitting six hours of news into Iraq including a dubbed version of the daily evening news from ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and PBS, plus three hours of original news programming from BBG.

BBG says it sees no problem in having Grace produce the evening news broadcast for Iraq.

Given the brewing anti-American revolt through all sectors of Iraqi society, maybe it should reconsider.

We called Grace Digital Media to speak with Cheryl Reagan.

Her secretary told us that she has been away in extended vacation for more than a month -- in Israel.

When will she back? we asked.

No one knows, the secretary said.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor,
http://www.multinationalmonitor.org. They are co-authors of Corporate Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press; http://www.corporatepredators.org).

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

 "A time comes when silence is betrayal. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought, within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world."
-- Dr. M.L. King Jr.

beigball.gifDREAM NO 15     beigball.gif SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2003
I saw a fighter for the cause of Islam lying down, gagged and blindfolded, with his hands bound behind him in a very painful position.  But he was so capable that, instead of his own trouble, he had other matters on his mind! He was thinking worriedly about the plight of somebody else [e.g. a girl blinded by American bombing].  I had the chance to help him but I didn't untie him because I was too scared of the kafirs [infidels] who had bound him.  There was a disconcerting background atmosphere of great political manipulation by the kafirs
I felt sheepish when I woke up.  This dream is telling me that I am not exerting maximum effort in the cause of oppressed Muslims in, for example, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iraq.  I have resolved to do so when I am able to do so.
beigball.gifDREAM NO 16     beigball.gifSATURDAY 29 MARCH 2003
I had a wonderful, action-packed dream of snatching a microphone from a student [1] in a large hall and dramatically announcing twice that Palestine needed support.[2] The first time that I interrupted the student, I began with words such as, 'Please excuse my snatching this microphone, but this is urgent!  Palestine needs your support!' [3]  But the student didn't mind being interrupted!  The hall was reasonably filled with students.  After my second announcement, a beautiful, English girl student [my unknown wife] fell in love with me!  She looked at me with a very caring and romantic gaze.
[1]  Students' societies of colleges and Universities throughout the United Kingdom do good work supporting the victims of injustice in numerous, various political campaigns.  
[2]  I had produced my article PALESTINE and then arranged for it to be a section on my Site. 
[3]  There were other events in this dream but I couldn't recall them.  The heroic atmosphere of this dream is difficult to explain in the right words.  This dream has been recounted in a very basic form and doesn't capture events fully because they are not so easy to explain with precision!
beigball.gifDREAM NO 17    beigball.gifMONDAY 20 JANUARY 2003 
I dreamt that a Jew named 'Newman' was a refuse collector! 
I had mentally started respecting Jews as a very capable peoples, perhaps thinking favourably of them as descendents of the great Prophets such as Ibrahim, Noah, Musa [PBUT].  However, this dream informed me that their character now is the opposite of noble!  When one considers how they lack mercy when dealing with the Palestinians, such lack of graciousness is obvious!
beigball.gifDREAM NO 18    beigball.gifTUESDAY 3 DECEMBER 2002
I dreamt that 'Bollywood' -India's famous film industry- would in future be making films with odious, anti-Muslim content.  The fascist and Muslim-hating Indian government would be using the movies as a propaganda tool against its minority Muslims.  I saw an actress playing a flirtatious, sex-symbol role and then I heard her declare that she was going to participate in an openly-pernicious scene which would serve the purpose of mobilising the Hindu masses' enmity towards Muslims.  The scene did materialise!
This is a 'warning' dream, informing me that the 'artistic' character of the Hindi films -which I so admire and enjoy at the moment- will be a thing of the past.  In the future, they wll be odious o the Muslims of India and a danger to the religion of Islam!  They will no longer be a liberal symbol but a means of repression in a Nazi county. 
beigball.gifDREAM NO 19    beigball.gifMONDAY 9 DECEMBER 2002
I dreamt that America had made ready for launch a small, fashionable rocket or space-shuttle which was extremely technologically-advanced.  However, a very intelligent and capable Muslim group managed to [had the know-how to] fly it away secretly [in an act of war against America].
beigball.gifDREAM NO 20   beigball.gifc. WEDNESDAY 16 OCTOBER 2002
I had a pleasant dream about my personal, forthcoming international honour and status: a consequence of my Islamic work.  I actually met the King of a certain country!  There were at least two other spectacular, honorary engagements foretold by the dream; I was unable to remember these when I woke up!
Especially since 1979 [the beginning of the 14th century in the Muslim calendar, Muslims in countries throughout the world have been plagued by severe political problems.  This is not surprising per se.  Muslims are aware that the time for Qiyamah [the end of the world] is drawing nearer and nearer.  Allah Most High will test those who believe more and more intensively by means of previously-unsurpassed trials and tribulations.  Let what happens happen without complaining: it is destined.  Pray that Allah lighten the burden of believers and, if it is not lightened for some reason that Allah Knows, then pray that we may have the resolve and capability to secure victory in the long term!  Ameen!